Hi! So today I want to ask you a question that has become the ultimate conversation starter of 2020. Can you guess… How’s your quarantine going?
In my long existence of 16 years, I had never really been much of a social butterfly. Being a person who tries to avoid unnecessary social interactions and loves to just lay in bed and watch time fly by, this whole quarantine situation doesn’t really seem too difficult.
But surprisingly this distance from the outside world has taught a thing or two to even an all-knowing entity like me. :P Let’s explore, shall we?
The major thing that I have learned from this is … well, gratitude (how original right?), but it’s true. We open the news and the first thing we see are statistics. The number of cases, the number of recoveries, and the number of deaths. But that’s the problem, we are looking at this as a number, as a statistic instead of seeing that these are actual lives that we are talking about. This thought might just help in bringing things into perspective and make you appreciate life more.
I also learned the importance of having a positive vibe. For example, when someone asks, “how are you?” instead of a “I’m fine, thank you”, try replying with a “I’m great, thank you”. It’s the little things really.
Also try learning something new or improving upon some talent of yours that’s buried down deep. So, for example I learned a tiny bit of Spanish, bonjour… oh wait, that’s French…my bad.
And try doing things that you never thought you could do, say in my case, actually completing my homework on time!
But hey, no matter what, one thing’s for sure, this time…it won’t come back, so don’t live in the tomorrow!
To set a good example, I’ll get up right now and do some productive work…after I watch this movie I was itching to see, and then browsing the net for an hour, and then chatting with friends, then eating some snacks. Guess I’ll just finish the work… tomorrow! He-he.